-10% from £14
Code: 43B715DU
-20% from £23
Code: 7GKBHT6F
-30% from £81
This category includes almost all the rings which can be put to the ear, especially the earlobe. There are so many different piercing jewellery because the earlobe piercing does not impose any particular constraint on the form of worn rings. However, you'll find earrings in this category, jewellery which can not be taken elsewhere by their too fragile closing and also because of their shape which is not adapted to the other parts of the body.
Plugs, tunnels or expanders are special rings which allow to expand a piercing (stretching technique). Tunnels are empty expanders in which one can see through while the plugs are solid expanders. Most times, tunnel rings are screwed while plug rings are directly put in. We expand principally an earlobe piercing, but we sometimes see expanders at the tongue or at the labret. This is also beds (plug type expander) which are behind origins of the body-piercing and which come from Mursi tribes in Africa.